Meet Musician and Producer Kaila Cooper
We first met Kaila Cooper on the London jamming scene in the summer of '21. The infectious energy Kaila carries on stage, be it behind the mic or walking the bass, is something that has always shone out to us. Having released her first two singles under the guise BlackMagicWoman, Kaila is also known for spinning tunes as a DJ and being the bassist in the band 'Love Loba'.
Having developed her production skills alongside sound engineering and performing, Kaila's work is ever evolving. Bx Sassy sat down to ask Kaila and fellow guest Zoe Fayaud about their experiences stepping into their musical ambitions and the focus behind BlakcMagicWoman's latest music video. Tune into the middle of Cum Bx Sassy on Islington Radio to hear the full interview.
It's a freeing thing to do - to jamm! I overcame a lot of stage fright and you find out a lot about yourself - your range, your character
Using music as a way to share a message, Kaila discusses the importance of being responsible for the dialogue she spreads. Whether it's telling stories of queer love or talking about current affairs, Kaila delivers through her striking fusion of rap and punk-inspired melodies.
Never one to fear away from uncensored chat, we hear hard-hitting themes travel through Kaila's track 'Coup d'etat'. She tells us how"I wrote it after the UK and US pulled out of Afghanistan and the anger and despair I felt at the time. And the dread I felt after multiple failures on human rights these past two years.". Using the song as a revolt and a reflection on the state of the world, she worked with Zoe Fayaud to create a music video holding space for these frustrations.
When developing the concept for 'Coup d'etat''s music video, Kaila wanted "to make a commentary on the cost of living crisis from the viewpoint of an Afghani person who's just come to the UK." Following in the footsteps of a low-paid refugee (played by actor Jahz Armando) and the difficulties they face, the story becomes redemptive by spotlighting a local non-profit called Bees&Refugees "In all the darkness in the world, there are entities that a creating light" says Kaila. Deciding to work with Zoe to film the project was a decision based on shared interests and perspectives. "I really wanted to work with Zoe on this because she is a political fireball and we have shared views so I thought she'd be the perfect person". Similarly for Jahz, Kaila shares her deep admiration for him as a performer and fellow musician bringing life to the London jamming scene.
In all the darkness in the world, there are entities that are creating light
We asked Kaila to join us in the Sassy studio to capture this moment in her career as she develops her path through multiple channels. In these portraits captured by Bx Sassy, we see and hear the way BlackMagicWoman is continuing to learn, explore, and play their music loud! It is Kaila Cooper's fresh energy that fills us with hope for what further messages this musician will be spreading in the future.
Be sure to check Kaila Cooper via Spotify and Soundcloud and be inspired by her vibes. If you're an artist looking for a producer, get in touch and we'll connect you with Kaila for a chat about potential projects.
- IG @bmwomansounds
If you're an artist looking for new headshots and press shots then come visit us at the Sassy Studio in Peckham. You can check out prices and packages for your branding and marketing in the link below.
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Sassy portraits of Kaila Cooper
Photography by Bethany Burgoyne @bxsassy2
Coup d'etat music video
Directed by BlackMagicWomxn
Director of Photography Zoé Fayaud @zoefayaud
Editor Alejandro Fernandez Jaume @alejandrofernaandez