So I am brand new to sex toys, I had one little hard bullet thing from Ann Summers which I bought for my then best friend too and then she told everyone at school which was highly embarrassing when you’re 17 years old and I never had one again because my mum caught me with it and if you don’t know brown parents – WE DO NOT TALK ABOUT SEX.
Recently however, I have become single after a very long relationship and I thought to myself, I’ll wait to orgasm properly until I meet someone new – and then I thought what the actual fuck, take back control! I mean all the politicians swear by it and look at the country clearly it’s obviously working we’re not screwed at all, hashtag brexit, so I thought screw you imaginary person on the horizon I’m going to own this – as I am in a process of trying to convince myself I have worth as a person. But that’s another story and not one for the review of a sex toy.

Unbound website
Image copyright Unbound
Generally, looking for the right sex toy is scary, where do you start? How do you know which one is good? Also I do want something inside me because I miss it but do I want it to look so penis-y, with suction cups to stick it to a wall? And then which wall? Will it be too bendy? Litch didn’t know where to start.
“If the future beamed us back sex toys from their femme-womxn lead future-verse.”
Tiara Kelly (@tiararkelly) recently did a takeover of the Pxssy Palace IG and they said in passing in one of their comments to check out Unbound. So I did and I seriously thought I’d found the Holy Grail, it’s like if Black Mirror made sex toys for feminist women, like if the future beamed us back sex toys from their femme-womxn lead future-verse, it’s like if Zaha Hadid reimagined dildos. Blown.

The Bean
Image copyright Unbound
“It’s basically like a lovely tongue if you sit astride it as there’s such a large surface area to play with and as there are six vibration patterns you can mix between them”
It’s seriously affordable theoretically, they start at around £30 but being based in the UK the P+P kills us. It’s almost the same price on top again but you know what, it’s been a hard year and 2018 sucked as well and this is about being good to myself and seeing myself as worth the investment so I bought the Bean, their starter vibrator, reassured by the reviews. When the box came (lol) firstly it’s so aesthetically pleasing, everything is Apple-like in it’s presentation and the Bean is like a palm sized flat mango. You have to twist the two halves in order to get the batteries in (some of their models are USB chargeable but not this one), it’s completely waterproof, has six settings and it’s pretty!
I used it four times the first day I got it and last night I came three times properly as I’ve got the hang of it now and I had that kind of exhaustion afterwards when you’ve been banging really good and you need to eat and sleep immediately. It’s basically like a lovely tongue if you sit astride it as there’s such a large surface area to play with and as there are six vibration patterns you can mix between them. What I found quite nice is sitting it flat on my bum and inner thighs first to get me in the mood and then eventually working my way up. It has a more targeted top end to get more intense sensations to your clit too. I’m basically in love and way less stressed out than I was a week ago. I’m so in love I’ve bought the Stellar, their glass dildo which looks like it should be an art installation it’s so beautiful and promises G spot stimulation, so where is the post man already.
I’m fully fully sold and I think you should get one too.
Sheena Patel is a writer and a poet @4browngirlswhowrite
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